3 Simple Tips to Make Your Corporate Lunch in Camberwell a Hit

Corporate lunch in Camberwell is a lunch where business is discussed. It generally takes place with clients. These lunches are held during board room meetings, product launch and other formal meetings. Offering a catered corporate lunch to employees or clients is a simple way to impress and boost morale.

If you are planning a lunch for your client at restaurants in Camberwell Melbourne, there are few issues you need to think of while planning.

Few points to consider while planning a business lunch are:
  • Plan according to your guest choice: While selecting the menu you should consider the intent of your event and the crowd you are serving. Most restaurants have a packed lunch menu while others give an option for items that you wish to include in your menu. You can serve lunch in a packed format or go for the buffet. It is always better to include one or two international cuisines in your menu, especially if you have one or two foreigners in your client group.
  • Headcount: You need to give the exact count of people attending the lunch meet. The restaurant plan and prepare food according to number of people they need to serve. Insufficient food can leave you embarrassed. You should send invites early on so that the invitees will have enough time to respond.
  • Various options: It is not always possible to know the taste of each individual. It is better to have vegan and vegetarian options on the menu so that all the guests can enjoy their lunch without being left out.
These are the basic requirements of a business lunch. Experts suggest that you should make your party unforgettable to clients by adding one or two surprising elements. You can add a unique cuisine in your menu or engage your audience with some music or games.

Following a few tips like these can make your lunch party a great success.

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